In July 2019 we had a workshop with Volkswagen. The task was to design, render and model a flying object for emergency purposes. We had lass than ten days to finish that challenge, so in a team of three students we created the Air Aid. A rescue helicopter for narrow spaces and difficult environments.
3D-Printed components added for the final touch. They were printed with a plaster printer, hardened and primed with a thin layer of clear varnish.
The final Logo and a qick sketch of the interior of the loading bay of the Air Aid.
It was real fun to work with Volkswagen and have such a compact workspace for two weeks. We could have worked seperately in different rooms but decided to work with our private machines to instantly have feedback, stay updated and switch our tasks on the fly.
A full rendering of our model that shows our vision of a rescue helicopter a little better through color and lighting. We decided to go with a red theme but the color could of course change depending on the specific area it operates in.
All of the finished After Effects animations for the cockpit interface and the loading bay displays as well as the main cockpit dashboard.
My concepts for the interior of the cockpit and first interface ideas
The first sketches for the cockpits interface and interior. We wanted the entire front to be made from polycarbonate materials. This played well into our concept to have as little physical dashboard as possible so the pilot can have an unrestricted view of the environment.